“Young Lawyers Giving Back” & “Practicing Law in Changing Times” in the May/June 2019 San Diego Lawyer.
I have a new piece – “Young Lawyers Giving Back” – in the May/June 2019 Edition of San Diego Lawyer. It highlights three young San Diego Attorneys who, despite very busy lives with significant personal and professional demands, spend hundreds of hours providing pro bono legal services and giving back to our profession and communities. These young talented attorneys are not alone. Many young, very busy, San Diego attorneys find the time to do significant work on behalf of others and give to others in need. That bodes well for our profession and for our city!
I also had the recent honor of moderating a SDCBA Panel Discussion on Practicing Law In Changing Times, which is also reported in the new San Diego Lawyer. As you will see, it was lively, interesting discussion!
Check out these pieces and the other fine articles in the new San Diego Lawyer.
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